F1 Indian Grand Prix Tickets

For a long time Bernie Ecclestone was dreaming of holding races behind the “Iron Curtain”. There were several options, including the Soviet Union. But at that moment trying to hold the Formula 1 in the USSR was absolutely a hopeless idea. The choice fell on Hungary. Hungarian Grand Prix will be held on July 29. TRITICKETS invites you to visit the Hungarian stage of F1. Our managers will help you to choose the best tickets to this event. You can buy tickets to the Grand Prix in Hungary on our website www.tritickets.ru. Use our on-line booking service to order tickets for all stages of the Formula 1 or call us at +7 (495) 649 13 31 or +7 (495) 644 41 20. If you have any questions you may send it to info@tritickets.ru. We will answer you within 48 hours.

Hungarian Grand Prix – the only Eastern European stage in the World Championship calendar. The track requires a special insistence to the car. Overtaking on this track is extremely difficult, if the pilot can do it, it can be called heroic. Compare to others on the track in Budapest pilots fail to develop a greater speed. This is not to say that the race turns dull – Hungarian Grand Pix is spectacular as the other stages of F1. Take a trip to Budapest and see it with your own eyes. Buy tickets to the Hungarian Grand Prix by sending a request to order@tritickets.ru. We will take care of all necessary papers for your travel (visa support, flights, transfers, hotel accommodation). It is hard to buy tickets for
the Formula1 stages and TRITICKETS will help to save you time offering you the best tickets to the Hungarian Grand Prix or Grand Prix of Singapore. Fill out the order form and we deliver your tickets to your home or office. We deliver your tickets by preferable courier company: DHL, UPS 10-15 days before the event. If you are not in Moscow we will
deliver the tickets to your city or even abroad (specify delivery terms from with our  managers).

Hungaroring is one of the slowest tracks. It is filled with slow and medium speed corners. This is a very technical track, constructed specifically for Formula 1.It consists of continuous turns, and, together with an abrasive surface leads to a very high tire wear. Circuit is hardly ever used for other events, and on the track builds up a lot of dust, which complicates the combined races. In addition to the Hungarian Grand Prix, you can simply admire Budapest, which always leaves a magnificent impression.

We remind you that you can buy tickets to Hungarian Grand Prix on our website www.tritickets.ru. For group booking please contact the VIP-section under vip@tritickets.ru. You can also contact us by phone +7 (495) 644 41 20 or +7 (495) 649 13 31. Book tickets to the Hungarian Grand Prix with our company. We accept all types of banking cards (individuals and legal entities) and cash.


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