Russian biathletes won second place in Anterselva


Russian men’s team won silver in the relay at the sixth stage of the Biathlon World Cup in Italy Anterselva. Pobeditelelyami race was the team of France, the third place was taken by the Austrians.

The sixth stage of the Biathlon World Cup in Italy Anterselva, the last before the start of the World Cup in the Czech New Town, was completed on Sunday, January 20, male team relay.

Russian team earlier in the relay made its highly successful, winning the second place, what of it clearly did not expect the fans after the failure of Russian women in all other races stages. And now men, who generally perform better on the season of his colleagues, had also not to lose face in alpine snow.

Coaching staff of the men’s team, contrary to reports that some leaders will rest, decided to put up the baton in Anterselva best squad.

The race was attended by Anton Shipulin, Evgeny Ustyugov, Evgeni Garanichev and Dmitry Malyshko.

The Russians started the second in the relay race, as the fifth stage of KM won in this kind of program is silver. And the first stage of the race was entrusted Anton Shipulin, who was here in the sprint and pursuit just perfect. Initial spurt Anton was a success, but on the first firing point he made pretty worried fans.

Shipulin allowed two misses from the line and went into the race only 12 meters, but the Russians later corrected. The second milestone Anton ran fourth and now wasted no extra cartridges, having gone to the line of fire first.

So Ustyugov went into the race already with a margin of 5.8 seconds.

Go to first firing line Eugene news detachment lost, but closed all the target without mistakes and, therefore, retained the lead. Unfortunately Ustyugov not managed to do it on the second turn. Eugene spent the closing five targets critical eight shells and returned to the distance is not the first, and only the fourth.

Ahead Ustyugova were the representatives of France, the Czech Republic and Sweden, with which he had to fight for the medals. Also near fled Austrian and Belarusian. But the German team was eliminated in the second stage of winning candidates after Eric Lesser had shot not so clear-cut, that he had to run for four penalties.

Eugene Garanichev entered the race in fourth position, behind the Czech representative in the lead by 7.6 seconds. He began his stage Eugene for the health. He first played for the gap, and then not allowing misses, the fifth in the race went to the firing line distance first. And on the second turn, though using one extra round, but still retained the top position, sharing the lead with Alexis Befom.

The fate of the race was decided on the last stage, where once again come together in battle Dmitry Malyshko and Martin Fourcade.

Go to first for himself firing line Fourcade came with the advantage of almost five seconds, but the accuracy of his failed. The French used two extra rounds, and closed all Malyshko clear target and went the distance with a margin of eight and a half seconds.

However, for Fourcade was not hard to play the entire gap to the second shooting, and it became clear that the medal wins, who better to shoot in the “rack”. And Martin, and Dimitri used on the final turn of the two additional rounds.

This meant that Fourcade went to the final push by a large margin, and eventually won the gold for the French team.

Russians eventually limited silver, thereby disrupting Anton Shipulin hat-trick, similar to that issued Malyshko in Oberhof. But in any case, our biathlon race had more than worthy. And this is good news on the eve of the World Cup, which will be held in the Czech Nove Mesto, from 7 to 17 February.

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